Wednesday 26 November 2014

Sultan The Brave.

                                        Brave Leader!!!!

 Hi Guys Today the intresting article is about Sultan The Brave man.
Today i will tell you the main story of Tipu Sultan was a ruler of Mysore.
He was also known as Tiger of Mysore he was a great leader with great Qualities. He wrote many poems,as well as he was the eldest son of Haider Ali.
Haider Ali thought that his rise was due to the birth of his son. He loved his son very much and gave him the best possible education. At a very early age he learnt the Holy Quran from able teachers. This was followed by the study of other branches of knowledge. Well-learnt instructors taught him the martial arts of riding, shooting and fighting. His father also taught him the art of war. As a result Tipu Sultan acquired a life-long love for learning. He also proved to be a good general himself.

He was a great fighter too he fought against the British army as he suceeded
many time but at the last of his death,his traitors downed him from army side 
and British army captured Mysore and killed Tipu Sultans better than a hundred years' life of a Jackal.
He chose to fight till death in 1799. Thus the life of a great son of Islam ended. But he lives for ever as a martyr in the minds and hearts of the Muslims. Truly he is not dead because he laid down hi life for the cause of Islam.
One day of a lion's life was better than a hundred years' life of a Jackal.He chose to fight till death in 1799. Thus the life of a great son of Islam ended. But he lives for ever as a martyr in the minds and hearts of the Muslims. Truly he is not dead because he laid down hi life for the cause of Islam.
But After all people of Mysore lost their glory and power the Tiger of Mysore
He was a Brave leader and very well known in all India.

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